Show Notes
Show Notes by Leon - Latest version on BBpedia!
We forgot to include the cold open. Watch it here
Cold Open
A little girl exploits Brian's body dysmorphia.
Opening Video
Compliment Bomb
In the inaugural episode, the guys are going to one of the best bits they've ever come up with: The Compliment Bomb. If you're new, in a Compliment Bomb, we find an article from a small town newspaper that has an open commenting system and we inundate the article with dozens of compliments. The article will most likely become their most viewed and most commented article and they will surely have no idea what the hell just happened.
This time around, Justin chose Mary Bufe's article "Clowns Are People Too" from the Webster Kirkwood Times. Link. The Chatrealm was instructed to leave very nice comments and to mention that because of this article, they will make a point to "kiss a clown".
Unfortunately, the website went down almost immediately and they moved on to another article.
UPDATE: RESSURECTION! The site is back up!
Brian Doesn't Sound Like Bozo the Clown
Seriously, this sounds nothing like Brian, and you're an idiot if you think so. WHDH-TV "Bozo the Clown" 1966
What Happened in 1694?
The Night Attack Patreon is up to $1694 and Justin likes to see what happened in the year of the amount of money that has been donated. Here are some events from the year 1694.
- December 28 - Queen Mary II of England dies of smallpox aged 32, leaving her husband King William III to rule alone but without an heir. Since he is also without a royal hostess, Mary's sister Princess Anne is summoned back to court (having been banished after an unseemly row with the queen) as his official heiress.
- September 5 - The Great Fire of Warwick in England.
Hey guys, since the show is no longer with a network, the whole show is dependent on viewers like you. Night Attack is made possible through Patreon. With Patreon, you can give any amount of money you want to Bri Bri and Jurbs for every Tuesday night shenanigan that they create.
Compliment Bomb Part 2
Hey! New site! This time it's "Paint Placerville schedule changed" by Wendy Schultz from the Mountain Democrat. Link. Go leave a comment saying it made you want to paint something, maybe a fence.
This time around, the website was much more robust and the dozens of comments streamed in.
That's right they, have a legit-ass sponsor and it's our friends at Mailroute! Hit them up on twitter, @MailRouteInc, and tell them how happy you are that they support Night Attack. And throw in the phrase "Click Clack".
Go to for a free trial and 10% off your account.
12-Sided Drudge
They've fired up the virtual 12-sided dice and and they will randomly pick news stories to talk about.
- Arizona advances bill for surprise inspections of abortion clinics…
- Marijuana Commercials May Start Airing…
- Under threat, Syria's Christians sign accord with Islamists…
- Brian misheard this headline as "Serious Christians"
- DC sets 141-year record low…
- New Orleans Endures One of Coldest Mardi Gras Ever…
- Texans vote in primaries shaken by 'Tea Party' influence…
- George P. Bush (son of Jeb, and nephew of George W.) is on his way to continue the Bush family dynasty as he is in great position to snag the Texas Land Commissioner position.
South By So Wasted 2014
The Diamond Club will be invading the Handlebar in Austin on Saturday March 8th, from 3-5pm. No SXSW badge required! Attendees include Brian, Justin, Tom, Veronica, The Possum Posse and Tay Allyn. Be there! There's a BitCoin ATM!
Summer Music Series
Surprise music guest live in Justin's apartment, Old John Smokey is here!
He played his new song "TSA". He has a new album on his Bandcamp. He also has a comic by @Svetlania. It's not done yet, but if you go to that link you will be notified when it's done.