Night Attack is now Great Night!

Episode 103: I Cloth

Justin is back from the campaign trail, the Brushwood girls are training to be grizzled war vets, But Cuba makes a return and we find out that we're all just real Human Beans

Released on February 10, 2016, 5:29 am UTC


Video Audio

Show Notes

Show notes by Leon - Latest version on the DCTVpedia

Cold Open

Rush Limbaugh starts streaming Mario 3 speedruns on Twitch.

Jury Is Back From New Hampshire

Remember last week when Justin was going to the Iowa Caucus? Well he and John Teasdale finished up with Iowa and headed over to New Hampshire for the nation's first presidential Primary.

Racist Claps

The guys tried to come up with the most racist claps.

New Hampshire Ain't A Great Place to Sell Card Games

Justin and John went to a rally out in New Hampshire trying to hock their card game, The Contender (available, but they sold a grand total of 5 games.


The Patreon is at $1539. If you want to become a patron, head on over to

In this episode, Justin mentioned that, on their Patreon page, Brian looks like a truck-driving lesbian and Justin looks like a bassist from Three Doors Down

Brian is Training His Daughter to Be POWs

After visiting for SXSW Justin knows that Brian's daughter Josie enjoys sleeping on a mat on the floor rather than her bed on occasion. Similarly this last week when the Brushwoods were on vacation, rather than sharing a bed with her sister Josie, Penny chose to sleep on three chairs positioned in a line.

But Cuba

This is the game that they've never played before (they've retconned the NSFW Show era) called But Cuba. The game started back in the early days of YouTube's notoriously bad auto-transcriptions of videos. The guys read a YouTube transcription of a video and they have to guess what video it came from.











Final score: Brian: 2 Jury: 1 Bonnie: 0 Sia: 5

Real Human Beans

Bonnie was helping her parents move and they were going through all their old junk. In doing so, Bonnie found a ceramic "Human Bean". It's a bean shaped human. Get it? Because Human Bean sounds like Human Being. Also it looks like Dickbutt.

Diamond Time

If you want to submit your thing for Diamond Time head over to the weekly Diamond Time post on the DiamondClub subreddit. Instructions on how to format your submission can be found in the post!

Movie Draft Chat

  • Brian lost
  • Justin was wrong (Star Wars didn't invalidate the draft)
  • Daddy's Home overperformed and won Tom the draft

Discovery VR

Hey! Some new 360 degree videos featuring Brian and Justin have dropped. Watch dat shit! You don't need a VR headset/Google Cardboard to watch the videos… but it's cooler if you do.

Spelunking Deep in the Heart of Texas

Legends of the Alamo

Art Today, Gone Tomorrow

Belt Winner

  • Brian - Donated $10 to Bernie Sanders

Great Quotes

  • "No left wing fuckos for me!" - Brian impersonating New Hampshire voters
  • "The second I see that all the rooms have sleeping girls: fully erect." - Brian during But Cuba

Fun Facts

  • In the preshow and aftershow of this episode, Justin played snippets of Bernie Sander's folk/spoken word album from the 70s


  • Stossel VERY briefly during But Cuba

Preshow Doc