Show Notes
Show notes by Leon - Latest version on DCTVpedia.
Cold Open
Are vasectomies considered "life threatening procedures"?
Interviews Are Banned
Before the show started, Brian and Justin decided that they are no longer going to interview guests. They'll have guests on, but they won't ask them interview type questions unless there is some extraordinary circumstances, like if the guest had sex with Tron.
Strange News
Brian and Justin check out some weird news stories curated by the Chatrealm. See all of the submitted stories here.
- Naked Guy High On Embalming Fluid Shouts 'SURFBORT' in Beyonce Voice
- Fishing Trophy Looks Like A Penis And Nothing Else (NSFW)
- Man tries to have sex with an ATM
- Agency apologizes for mattress ad depicting shooting of Malala Yousafzai
The Patreon is at $2,064. If you want to become a patron, head on over to
If you aren't a live viewer, you may be unaware that free livestreaming services have gone to shit as of late. Once upon a time, there was just a few seconds lag between the stream and the chatroom. Now, there is 15-25 seconds of lag across the board for all streaming services. Using their new Patreon money, Brian and Justin have consulted with Colleen to create their own streaming service. Thanks to Patreon, a new, low-latency stream will hopefully be just around the corner.
Startup Spelling Bee Round 1
This is the first qualifying round of the Night Attack Startup Spelling Bee. A few weeks earlier, the guys discovered AngelListand their directory of ridiculously named startups. Now begins the on-going Night Attack Startup Spelling Bee featuring respected members of the tech journalist community.
- Psykosoft
- Guess: Sykosopht - Wrong
- Dash
- Guess: Dassh - Wrong
- RedMart
- Guess: RedMart - CORRECT!
- Klooff
- Guess: Kloof - Wrong
- Uniiverse
- Guess: Universe - Wrong
- Storific
- Guess: Storiphik - Wrong
- Goodzer
- Guess: Goodzer - CORRECT!
Squarespace is the fast and easy way to create a high quality website, blog or portfolio. They've got some sweet-ass tools and templates to make some awesome websites without you needing any knowledge of HTML.
Head over to and try out a 14-day free trial. Then use the offer code "NAP" at checkout to save 10% off your order.
Apologizes For...
Earlier in the show, Brian was Googling a story but stopped at "apologises for". He realized that this would be an awesome Google News feed if you just set up a filter for "apologises for". During the show, Chatrealm put together a list of stories with "apologizes for" in the headline and the guys went through them New Champion Woo, Same Champion Boo style.
View all of the stories here.
Winner - MSNBC apologizes for 'ill-advised' Cinco de Mayo segment
Diamond Time
If you want to submit your thing for Diamond Time head over to or
Night Attack Stickers
HEY! Chatrealmer Andrew Mayes made some Diamond Club stickers and he's sending them out to people who want them. Head over to to request yours.
Bonnie made a very rare visible appearance on the live stream with some crazy "Klingon Kesha" hair. Brian and Justin then coerced her into rapping about all the "straight haired bitches" out there.
Then Brian, Justin and Patrick broke down the music video for New Order's True Faith.
Great Quotes
- "Does Tron dream of electric buttholes?" - Justin (preshow)
- "Awesome! I just downloaded [startup]." - Justin
- "FUCK! [Startup] IS DOWN!" - Justin
- "Are we on No. Because you can spell our fuckin' name." - Brian