Night Attack is now Great Night!

Episode 141: Flavor Toothpaste

We find out that Justin and Brian have diametrically opposed views on running out in the desert with friends, we decide that now is the perfect time to hold the First-Annual Best Vine Awards and we get distracted watching some idiots drink flaming shots on YouTube.

Released on November 2, 2016, 4:00 am UTC


Video Audio

Show Notes

Show notes by Leon - Latest version on the DCTVpedia


In the preshow, we all became fascinated with this "Dog Police" music video. It's super weird and it apparently got a TV pilot with Adam Sandler and Jeremy Piven. What?

Cold Open

That time a 20-year-old Brian vomited in front of a show promoter.

The Most Famous Brand in Hacker Hardware in the Universe

Remember when the National Geographic show Hacking the System prominently featured the usb Rubber Ducky made by our friends at Hak5? And remember when the same Rubber Ducky device was used as a plot point in Mr. Robot? Oh and then it was used on NBC's The Blacklist? Our friends Darren Kitchen and the folks at Hak5 made that! How neat is that? Wait… let's watch that Blacklist clip again. Watch to the end… that dude pulls out a gun and says "Quack quack bitch!".

Anyway, Justin was hanging out with Darren today at the Hak5 warehouse and apparently they're all out of stock on the USB Rubber Duckies just as they're getting attention on a broadcast network. Bummer.

Running is for Dicks

So Brett Rounsaville invited Brian, Justin, Tom MerrittDarren Kitchen and Jeff Cannata to a big ol' 24-hour desert running relay thing out in Utah. Brian is super into it since he feels like they will never be fit enough to do it again. Justin doesn't like it and thinks it's super dumb. It's important to note that Justin is probably in the best running shape he's ever been in. He runs a 5k every morning, but for whatever reason he doesn't want to do this and he isn't going to respond to the invite.

After a few minutes talking about it on the show, Justin realized that everyone in the email chain that is excited about it is a dad. The only reason they want to do it is to get away from their kids.


The Patreon is at $1,464. If you want to become a patron, head on over to

Hey, apparently we never talk about this, but did you know that if you're a Patron at ANY level, you get access to the preshow and postshow? And now you can get the pre and postshow in an audio RSS feed that you can put in your podcast app. NEAT!

Hey Sloan! We appreciate you raising your pledge!

That Cogswell Boy Did it Again!

We've got yet another Steven Cogswell joint. It has Jason Murphy, "Come as You Are" and Hamsterdance. WHAT THE FUCK MORE DO YOU WANT!? JESUS.

First-Annual Best Vine Awards

Remember when we were gonna post Captain Morgan bits on Vine every week? I can't believe we totally forgot about that idea, it's so unlike us.

So we're holding the First-Annual Best Vine Awards (even though Vine is shutting down). The videos were curated by the Chatrealm and judged in the classic BBLiveShow "New Champion! Woo!/Same Champion, Boo!" format. Which basically means the first video they watch is the "Champion" by default and each new video is judged to either be better or worse. If it's better, it's the New Champion (Woo!) and all other videos will be judge against that. If it's worse… who gives a shit? Fuck that video. BOO!

See the rest of the Vines in the doc here

Flaming Shots

In the middle of the Vine Awards, the guys got distracted by watching people fuck up drinking flaming shots.

Diamond Time

If you want to submit your thing for Diamond Time head over to the weekly Diamond Time post on the DiamondClub subreddit. Instructions on how to format your submission can be found in the post!

Movie Draft Chat

  • There's no doubt Tom's gonna win, right? - Brian
  • Inferno sure took a dump - Justin
  • I need Dr. Strange to be the highest grossing movie of the winter - Justin
  • Rogue One has a good chance to over perform - Brian
  • I don't think Fantastic Beasts will be good - Justin
  • It'll be a cute movie - Brian
  • Fuck those books - Brian
  • I was freebasing REAL fantasy in high school, don't give me this broomstick shit - Brian


Right away they went back to the flaming shot fail video. They made a game out of predicting what kind of fire would result: bluebeard, Ghost Rider, Johnny Storm or Dhalsim.

Next week might be a weird show/not actually a show. There's a possibility that Brian and Justin will be together in Austin, but not at Brian's house to do an election coverage stream. I'm not saying it's… but… I'm not saying it's NOT

Oh BTW Brian, Adam Curry and a couple other friends went over and watched the third Presidential debate at Lance Armstrong's house. And Lance wants to go over to Brian's house to play with the HTC Vive. NBD. #Haven'tYouDoneWell #WPR #AllThemFrenchMotherfuckersWereDopingToo

After this, they talked about drugs and Lance Armstrong's podcast. IDK, I wasn't really listening. I was putting the finishing touches on this page during their conversation. They're talking about drugs in sports as I type this.

Great Quotes

  • "Did you know… that Eva Braun wore glasses?" - Justin, killing time during the Patreon plug
  • "Fuck. Quidditch." - Brian speaking the last words of the episodes
  • "THAT WAS THE WORST ONE!" - Bryce immediately after thinking that one particular flaming shot fail would actually be ok (Aftershow)

Fun Facts

  • At the top of the show, Justin predicted that one of the hosts will die tragically in the next year
  • OH FUCK, I laughed so goddamn hard when they opened that last Vine link. One of my favorite NSFW/Night Attack moments ever


  • The D man

Preshow Doc