Night Attack is now Great Night!

Episode 27: Live From Dragon Con 2014

Brian and Justin have taken the show down to Atlanta, GA once again for Dragon Con. The gang relives Brian's previous 24 hours, they play Don't Get Brody'd, and face off in the Dragon Con Cosplay Thunderdome. Featuring performances by Turquoise Jeep and MC Allergy.

Released on September 4, 2014, 3:30 pm UTC


Video Audio

Show Notes

Cold Open


Turquoise Jeep

Flynt Flossy and Whatchamacallit from Turquoise Jeep opened the show by performing their song "DID I MENTION I LIKE TO DANCE".

Pandora Stories

Brian's had a very eventful 24 hours, so he came up with an idea of how he can tell all of these stories. He's going to start telling a story and, like the streaming music service Pandora, the other hosts will have the ability to say "skip" and Brian will move on to the next part of the story.

While setting up the bit, Brian and Justin got off on a tangent about buying ads on Pandora asking if the listeners were currently having sex in order to intentionally ruin the mood for millions of fornicating couples.


Brian talked about when Jason was driving them to vacation when they ran into some good ol' Los Angeles traffic on the highway. Jason was attempting to change lanes, but the guy next to them wasn't having it. Their two cars were very slowly inching closer and closer when Brian got up out of the car, burger in hand, and stood in front of the other car Tiananmen-Square-style. So, there Brian stood, with his eyes closed beneath his sunglasses and comically eating his burger. When he opened his eyes, the driver had an expression on his face that showed that he knew he had been bested. Reacting to this, Brian did the American Sign Language for "I love you" and gave the driver a flourished bow before getting back in the car with Jason.

Brian and Jason went camping and saw the set for the Hulu original series "Quickdraw". Skip

Then, during the camping trip, they had built a lean-to on top of some leaves. After laying on the leaves for an extended period, Brian realized that he had actually been laying in shit. Skip


Down in front.


Bonnie "The Invisible Wife" Brushwood AKA McAllergy came on stage to debut the lyrics to her latest song.


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Don't Get Brody'd

Just be interesting for as long as possible.

  • James - He got stuck in an elevator. After 20 minutes he had to pry open the doors in order to get out. Luckily there was alcohol in the elevator. 22 seconds
  • She was six years old and her and her dad spied some "fighting" ducks near a duck pond. She asked her dad why they were fighting. He said they weren't fighting, they're fucking. 18 seconds
  • A boss is getting some road head from his mistress when he gets rear ended and she snaps down on him… she swallows it… 35 seconds
  • He wrote a christmas song and sung it on the radio. Then he started actually singing the song and wouldn't shut up after he got brody'd.
  • CRAAAAAIIIIIIIIIG! - He was looking at some porn and "when the time came" he looked down and shot himself in the eye. He didn't have time to clean out his contacts before work and everyone at his work got pink eye. 60 seconds
  • He was in Hollywood when a guy lifted his sleeve, pointed to his arm and said "Zach Galifianakis".

Friendly Recommendation


No pink eye! Thanks, bros.

Head on over to for a 15-day free trial.

DragonCon Cosplay Thunderdome

Every year at DragonCon, a ton of people dress up as their favorite characters. At Brian and Justin's annual show, the panel chooses costumed audience members to face off against each other and a winner is chosen.

Team Brian - Rocket Motherfuckin' Raccoon

Team Sword and Laser - Damn-Near-Naked Tony Stark

Team Gloria Young - Baby Dancing Groot

Team Turquoise Jeep - Harley Quinn

Enforcer - Disco Samus

  • Rocket Motherfuckin' Raccoon vs. Damn-Near-Naked Tony Stark
    • Winner - Mostly Naked Iron Man
  • Dancing Baby Groot vs. Harley Quinn
    • Winner - Baby Dancing Groot
  • Damn-Near-Naked Tony Stark vs. Baby Dancing Groot
    • Tournament Winner - Damn-Near-Naked Tony Stark

Brian Was A Pouty Whiny Person Last week

Brian isn't a pouty whiny person this week. So there's that.

Veronica's Ice Bucket Challenge

Veronica was challenged to do the ice bucket challenge, so she did it live at the end of the show.

More Show!

Sure, the lullaby played, but Turquiose Jeep came back to perform their song "Treat Me Like A Pirate" with a bunch of audience members up on stage including Gloria Young, Ashley Paramore and Damn-Near-Naked Tony Stark.


Fuck Tron 9000 (#FT9K) continued upstairs in a different room with performances by Ali Spagnola and Professor Shyguy.

Oh, and the director of the biggest movie of the summer, James Gunn, dropped by to check out Patrick Delahanty's Baby Dancing Groot (Not a euphemism).


  • Debut of Attack Knight, The Night Attack Knight that Might Attack Night Attack

Great Quotes

  • "Me and Jason, we're vacationing real hard; like 14 hours a day." - Brian

Preshow Doc