Night Attack is now Great Night!

Episode #272: An Over-Privileged Sailor (w/ Darren Kitchen)

Justin's back in Oakland with Hak5's Darren Kitchen with stories of unexpected guests in abandoned houses, a wing sauce experiment, and a fantasy casting for a shoot-for-shoot remake of Blazing Saddles. Plus, a new lingo game, "20/20" and your emails to Yer a real hardo, ya egg!

Released on May 9, 2019, 6:24 am UTC


Video Audio

Show Notes

Justin's back in Oakland with Hak5's Darren Kitchen with stories of unexpected guests in abandoned houses, a wing sauce experiment, and a fantasy casting for a shoot-for-shoot remake of Blazing Saddles. Plus, a new lingo game, "20/20" and your emails to Yer a real hardo, ya egg!