Night Attack is now Great Night!

Episode 53: That's A Year!

It's the third consecutive Night Attack 1st Anniversary show! We continue to celebrate our independence by talking a bit about the future of the show, we play some I Said WHAT?! and then Brian loses a Twitter follower.

Released on February 25, 2015, 4:00 am UTC


Video Audio

Show Notes

Show notes by Leon - Latest version on the DCTVpedia

Cold Open

Ya ever heard of chess boxing?

One Year Anniversary

Wow, it's been exactly one year since one week before the first Night Attack Episode. Not really sure what happened on February 24th, 2014, but it's surely not as good as Night Attack #53.


The Patreon is at $2128. If you want to become a patron, head on over to

Also, when Justin was out in Austin, he and Brian talked a bit about where they want to take the show in the future. In doing so, they came up with a new Patreon level at $2500/episode which will guarantee that once a month, Brian and Justin will do a show in the same physical space. The idea being that when they're both in the same space, the episodes are much better.

Additionally, they've added new reward levels for Patrons. At $0.50/episode, you get to vote on "important show issues and titles for the albums". At $5/episode you get pre-release samples of Night Attack albums. At $10/episode you get the full albums before they're released. Then at $50 per episode, you can be one of the Four Horseboys of Night Attack. At this level, you can be Skype'd in and listen to Brian and Justin record their albums live. There's also an implied pinky-promise that you won't release any of the recording sessions on the internet. As the name suggests, there will only be Four Horseboys at any given time.

That 70s Brian

Brian got dressed up in 70s garb for a Scam School Domain.Com ad. Link

South By So Wasted 2015

So SxSW is less than three weeks away and we still aren't able to nail down any official plans for a Diamond Club party. Usually bars wait around for big companies to buy them out for a night for $10,000 and don't get very excited about a group of a couple dozen jackasses. Once the big boys stop calling, then the bars will come around to smaller parties. We'll see what we can lock down about a week and a half out.

Soy, You're the Worst!

Justin was having tech issues, and couldn't connect on Skype, so Brian and Bonnie laid down a new MC Allergy track about Soy.

I Said WHAT?!

Every now and then, we like to play a game called "I Said WHAT?!", in which Brian and Justin read some old quotes and they have to guess which of the two of them said it.

Winner: Justin


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Maybe It's Time to Bill Our Advertisers

So the guys really don't give a shit about their ads, who knows if Squarespace or Mailroute actually want to do business with them anymore. Brian and Justin legitimately have no clue since they haven't asked them for money in a long time/ever.

Brian's Strange Encounter with a Twitter Fan

So Brian follows everyone on twitter, like seriously he follows 60,000+ people. When you follow that many random people, you're bound to get some people thinking you're a bot. Earlier in the day, Brian had an extended back and forth with a guy that started out as him thinking Brian was a bot, then thinking that he was having a friendly conversation with Brian's marketing person, then he was convinced that Brian had the worst marketing department on the planet.

Here's the whole twitter conversation.

Journey Update

So here's the plan: we're going to have Chatrealm vote on the chapters they want to see in the final book. You can see all the chapters and vote to keep or kill each one in this Google Form.

Additionally you can check out the full book doc here.

Diamond Time

If you want to submit your thing for Diamond Time head over to the weekly Diamond Time post on the DiamondClub subreddit. Instructions on how to format your submission can be found in the post!

Great Quotes

Fun Facts

  • Has it really been a year since the birth of Night Attack?
    • I dunno, you can really make an argument for the anniversary being any time between last week and next week.


Preshow Doc