Night Attack is now Great Night!

Episode 78: Guillotine Leg Drops Can’t Melt Steel Beams

Justin and long-time friend of the show, C. Robert Cargill have made the trip out to Brian's studio for a big ol' episode of talking and wearing offensive shirts.

Released on August 18, 2015, 3:30 am UTC


Video Audio

Show Notes

Show notes by Leon. Latest version on the DCTVpedia

Cold Open

Ron Rothstein is there for YOU!

Hey Cargill is Here!

Remember when our close, personal friend C. Robert Cargill and his squeaky chair were on previous incarnations of the show every 3 to 6 months? That was cool. But then he started writing major motion pictures and got all Hollywood. Well after a two and a half year absence he's finally made his return to the Diamond Club. Unfortunately the squeaky chair didn't make the trip out to Brian's studio.

Oh and his second movie, Sinister 2, is out in theaters this week. How neat is that? The guys talked a bit about his experiences in the movie business.

Man. Josh Trank, Right?

So last week we talked about how Josh Trank publicly talked shit about his movie. This week Brian and Justin tried to bait Cargill into trashing Sinister 2 on the show. He didn't take the bait, but it lead to a discussion about Josh Trank and the shit that supposedly went down on the set of Fantastic Four.


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Never Forget

Cargill pledged $100 to the Contender Kickstarter and his reward is a very offensive t-shirt. It's a yellow Hulkamania shirt that portrays Hulk Hogan giving "the big boot" to the twin towers with the words "2001 NEVER FORGET" below. Naturally, Cargill put the shirt on and wore it on video for the rest of the show. Nothing bad can ever come of this.

Brian wanted to make a joke out of this shirt on Scam School but earlier in the week he called up Justin to ask how he should go about it. Justin offered the correct advice: don't.

Remember The Bad Romance Video?

Five years earlier in Cargill's first NSFW appearance we released "Star Wars Girl" onto the universe. It was a video of a girl named Melissa lip-syncing to Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. It's a bad video and Cargill still feels bad about pulling the trigger on releasing that video. Watch the moment when they showed the video for the first time.

John Stossel Impression

They tried to do an advertisement, but really it was just Justin and Brian doing John Stossel impressions. It was really good.

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Don't Give Me No Aioli!

Buzzkill 763 made a new MC Allergy remix. LISTEN TO DAT SHIT!

Diamond Time

If you want to submit your thing for Diamond Time head over to the weekly Diamond Time post on the DiamondClub subreddit. Instructions on how to format your submission can be found in the post!

DragonCon Prep

Hey! Do you have extra room in your hotel for other Diamond Clubbers? Make a post on the Diamond Club Subreddit telling people you want to share your room.

Every time we've done a live show at DragonCon it's had a funny/dumb name. What's this years name? It's DragonCon: 420YOLOswagblazeit360noscope


In the aftershow we all looked at Lenny Kravitz's dick. Check it out! Then they had a conversation about an argument Cargill had with Korey Coleman about the N-Word.

Great Quotes

  • "The N-word? Can you tell me which one that is?" - Brian
  • "Say your prayers, eat your vitamins, 9/11 was an inside job." - Justin
  • "Sinister 3: Regrettable T-Shirt" - Mitzula on Twitter
  • "Well, I'm in for a spot of raping this evening…" - Justin describing the new Hamburglar
  • "You can split your pants and show your Building 7." - Justin in the aftershow

Fun Facts


  • John Stossel

Preshow Doc