Show Notes
Show notes by Leon - Latest version on the DCTVpedia
Cold Open
Brian cracked his head open on a cooler one time.
Let's Get Back Some of that BBLiveShow Magic
Brian and Justin haven't been completely satisfied with the last few weeks of episodes. It's time to get back to our roots. Back to the BBLiveShow! Brian even brought back his old school spikes. The hallmark of BBLiveShow episodes is just watching YouTube videos and commenting on them, so that's just what they did.
In the preshow, they found this worksite safety video that features intense (but not actually real) images of dudes being maimed and killed in factories. It's incredibly graphic, has a strange song and uses like 20 different fonts.
Coming Soon to!
So the Kickstarter for The Contender is over, and it's time for Justin and company to start sending out and selling decks. Luckily, a big online store reached out to them to buy a bunch of decks wholesale. What is this mystery company you ask? It's in the goddamn heading of this paragraph you idiot. It's Brian's
Then Brian and Justin talked a bit about transitioning into a life in which you work for yourself and the added responsibilities that comes along with it.
The Patreon is at $1910. If you want to become a patron, head on over to
Allie Goertz Returns
Allie Goertz makes her Night Attack debut/Diamond Club return. This time around, she's pimping her Rick and Morty concept album. You might remember this album from like two weeks ago when we took credit for funding her Kickstarter live on Night Attack. As of the time of recording, there's still 10 days left to pledge to the album's Kickstarter. During the show, the project surpassed $7,000.
CossbySweater (Eugh)
So the last time Allie was on (2.5 years ago), she was performing under the name "Cossbysweater". Unfortunately, Bill Cosby had to go make a mess of things and Allie immediately changed her name. Now she's just Allie Goertz.
Friendly Recommendation
Squarespace is the fast and easy way to create a high quality website, blog or portfolio. They've got some sweet-ass tools and templates to make some awesome websites without you needing any knowledge of HTML.
Head over to and try out a 14-day free trial then when you decide to order, use the code "NAP" to get 10% off you order.
Old Ass Websites
Hey, let's just look at really old websites and laugh at how poorly designed they are! Look at all these old sites!
Sites featured on the show
- Million Dollar Homepage
- Space Jam website
- Vote Dole/Kemp '96
- CNN's OJ Simpson Page
- Constellation Seven
- Jeff's Classic Computer Haven
- Detriot Restaurants
Diamond Time
- t2t2's draftraptor
- Vincent404, Blendermf, MovieLeagueMike and Dan Dirks for bringing us the Movie Draft
- Buy Santa a beard!
If you want to submit your thing for Diamond Time head over to the weekly Diamond Time post on the DiamondClub subreddit. Instructions on how to format your submission can be found in the post!
Pretty much immediately after the show ended, OhDoctah called in. Tensorguy was there too!
Great Quotes
- "OH GOD! This dude just got drilled!" - Brian during the safety video
- "CSS stands for 'Cosby's Still Swell'." - Justin during the ad read
- "That's a stereotype, everyone knows that hispanic people cut off people's heads and burn their bodies." - Brian in the aftershow
- "Everyone knows slaves aren't white." - Brian in the aftershow
Fun Facts
- Death is stronger than pride
- Brian didn't show his face, nor did he show Justin's face during the preshow. Probably to preserve the surprise of him bringing back the spikes.
- John Stossel at the end of Diamond Time